Farming Simulator 22 PS4
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Farming Simulator 22 is the ninth main installment of the bestselling agricultural simulator series, launched in 2008. The game was developed by GIANTS Software studio, which develops the brand from the beginning. Interestingly, this is the first big part of the series since 2012, which did not come from Focus Home Interactive; the developers released the game on their own.
Just like in the previous parts of the series, in Farming Simulator 22 we take on the role of a farmer, and all the duties related to running a farm rest on our shoulders. During the game we deal with cultivating the land and breeding animals, and even with forestry. The money we earn (e.g. by selling crops) we can spend on buying new equipment and expanding our farm.
The developers added a number of innovations and improvements to the game. It features the familiar Erlengrat setting, which has been slightly updated, as well as two completely new maps. Furthermore, among the more than 400 machines and tools from over a hundred licensed manufacturers, there are new categories to try out. Previously unavailable crop types have also been implemented. The greatest novelty, however, are the changing seasons; in each of them we have to deal with different things and properly prepare the farm for the following seasons.
Game modes
Just like the previous part of the series, Farming Simulator 22 offers both single and cooperative multiplayer modes.
Technical aspects
Farming Simulator 22 runs on the GIANTS Engine 9 technology, which has been given a solid boost. Among other things, the developers improved the AI behaviour. Furthermore, the level of detail and variety of scenery was improved as well as the audio layer.