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Fallout 4 Xbox One / Series X

Release date: 2015-11-10

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15,00 €
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The fourth major installment in the post-apocalyptic RPG series launched in 1997 by Black Isle Studios and Interplay. Starting from the third part, released in 2008, Bethesda acquired the rights to the franchise and took the reins of the subsequent production set in the cult post-apocalyptic universe. The game’s style is reminiscent of its two predecessors, in which – unlike in the first parts of the cycle – we experience the events from first-person perspective. The plot takes us back to the nuclear wasteland, where the survivors are forced to constantly fight for their lives. Fallout 4 features various new locations and characters, and a whole variety of plot quests and challenging opponents.

Fallout 4 is the fourth full-fledged installment in a cult post-apocalyptic RPG series originated in 1997 by Black Isle Studio and Interplay company. After the developer studio was closed and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel came out for PlayStation 2 to mixed reviews, the franchise was taken over by Bethesda, and the company’s subsidiary created the third and the fourth part of the series, the latter released on PC and the eight generation consoles. This developer is also known for the cult series The Elder Scrolls, whose latest installment, Skyrim, appeared in 2011 on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Fallout 4 are locked on 30 FPS in 1080p. Another important aspect is modding. Console owners can download and install PC mods published on Bethesda.net.

The story of Fallout 4 starts off in Boston suburbs, a few moments before a catastrophic nuclear attack. During this short prologue you meet the hero’s family and create your character (male or female), by adjusting his or her appearance and distributing skill points. A moment later the aforementioned attack occurs, which separates the hero from his family and puts him into fallout shelter no. 111. The action proper starts 200 years later, when your character comes out to the surface and starts his struggle for survival in an unfriendly, post-apocalyptic environment.

Depending on individual preferences, you can play Fallout 4 in first or third person perspective. Gameplay mechanics is based on solutions known to Fallout 3 veterans. Back in the game are such landmark features as S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute system or V.A.T.S. aiming system that allows to make a precision shot to a selected part of an enemy’s body. The game also lets you own a dog, whom you can give out simple commands. The main focus, however, is on absolute freedom of gameplay, so it is entirely up to you as to where to go and how to shape the story.

In comparison with the previous installments in the series, crafting system was much expanded, letting you recycle various objects and use them to create entirely new items or even construct buildings to provide shelter to the protagonist, his dog, and other survivors. The game offers 50 base weapons, all of which can be subjected to over 700 modifications. Moreover, Fallout 4 brings back enhanced PipBoy, a mobile command center, also offering simple mini-games.

In the original, English version of the game, male protagonist speaks with the voice of Brian T. Delnay, an actor known from games likeBatman: Arkham Knight or Evolve. If you choose to play as female character, you will hear Courtney Taylor (Jack from Mass Effect series or Juhanii from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic).

In terms of visuals, Fallout 4 for Xbox One is based on a modified version of Bethesda’s in-house Creation engine and looks much better than the previous games. Despite many changes to gameplay mechanics and user interface (e.g. a new dialogue system), the authors managed to retain key elements and the series’ unique atmosphere.

Fallout 4 received a collector’s edition, which includes – let alone the game itself – special steel case, poster, PipBoy pocket guide, and a wearable PipBoy replica. You can place your smartphone in it and use it with a dedicated app.

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