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Overwatch Xbox One / Series X [Lietots]

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9,00 €
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Mūsu konfidencialitātes politikā ir izskaidroti mūsu principi attiecībā uz jūsu informācijas vākšanu, apstrādi un uzglabāšanu. Šajā politikā ir īpaši izskaidrots, kā mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, kā arī jums pieejamās iespējas tos kontrolēt.

  • 1 Kas ir sīkfaili?

    Sīkdatnes ir nelieli teksta failos saglabāti dati, kas tiek saglabāti jūsu datorā vai citā ierīcē, kad tīmekļa vietnes tiek ielādētas pārlūkprogrammā. Tās tiek plaši izmantotas, lai “atcerētos” jūs un jūsu preferences vai nu viena apmeklējuma laikā, vai vairākkārtēju atkārtotu apmeklējumu laikā.

  • 2 Kā mēs izmantojam sīkfailus

    Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus dažādiem mērķiem. Dažas sīkdatnes ir nepieciešamas tehnisku iemeslu dēļ; dažas ļauj apmeklētājiem un reģistrētiem lietotājiem nodrošināt personalizētu pieredzi; dažas ļauj rādīt reklāmas no izvēlētiem trešo pušu tīkliem.

  • 3 Sīkfailu pārvaldība

    Apmeklētāji var vēlēties ierobežot sīkfailu izmantošanu vai pilnībā novērst to iestatīšanu. Ja atspējojat sīkfailus, lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka dažas mūsu pakalpojuma funkcijas var nedarboties pareizi.

  • 4 Mūsu apkopotā informācija

    Mēs vācam informāciju par jums tikai tad, ja mums ir iemesls to darīt, piemēram, lai sniegtu savus pakalpojumus, sazinātos ar jums vai uzlabotu mūsu pakalpojumus.

Mēs esam apņēmušies saglabāt mūsu vietnes apmeklētāju uzticību un paļāvību. Mēs nevācam, nepārdodam, neiznomājam un netirgojam e-pasta sarakstus vai jebkādus datus ar citiem uzņēmumiem un uzņēmējiem. Iepazīstieties ar mūsu Privātuma politikas lapu, lai izlasītu detalizētu informāciju par to, kad un kāpēc mēs vācam jūsu personisko informāciju, kā to izmantojam, ar kādiem ierobežotiem nosacījumiem mēs varam to izpaust citiem un kā mēs to aizsargājam.

Mēs laiku pa laikam varam mainīt Sīkfailu un konfidencialitātes politiku. Šī politika ir spēkā no 2018. gada 24. maija.


A multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Blizzard and the first production of this genre in the portfolio of the creators of cult series such as Diablo, Warcraft, and Starcraft. The game is set in a future where peace is ensured by the eponymous organization, established decades ago for protection against attacks by renegade robots. When it starts to crumble, torn apart by internal conflicts, its responsibilities are taken over by completely new characters whose roles are assumed by the players. The game focuses on multiplayer team duels which reward performing certain tasks instead of eliminating other characters. A wide array of heroes with different abilities is involved in the combat and, depending on the situation, we can switch our hero several times during one fight. The game does not offer any development of characters' skills and equipment, instead the key to victory are the skills of the players and good teamwork.

Overwatch for Xbox One is a first person shooter, designed for online multiplayer matches; it was developed by Blizzard Entertainment, the creators of the renowned Diablo, Warcraft and StarCraft universes.


The action of Overwatch is set in a futuristic reality, full of chaos and conflict. The watch, mentioned in the title, is an organization responsible for keeping the peace, it consists of the best and most elite soldiers, scientists and brawlers. The watch was extremely successful for years, but with time its strength and influence began to fade. The organization became divided and when the player enters the game it is completely scattered. Humanity still requires heroes and it is up to the players to fulfill the duties of the watch. The production is heavily focused around the multiplayer mode but, at the same time, it offers a rich backstory of both the universe and its inhabitants.


The player will spend most of his time in Overwatch for Xbox One on participating in online, multiplayer battles. The skirmishes are very fast-paced and dynamic, mostly due to extremely quick and agile heroes. The key to success in the game is close cooperation with your teammates, which is reflected in the available game modes, e.g. Payload requires one team to escort an explosive to a specific point on the map, while the other team tries to prevent it from reaching its destination; in Point Control one of the squads attacks a set of control points, while the other tries to hold them until the time runs out for the attacker team. In both of these game modes lone wolves and isolated players are an easy target for the enemy team.

Upon starting a battle, the player chooses one of the available heroes. Blizzard made sure to grant the players a large and varied pool of characters, e.g. Reinhardt, a mighty fighter, capable of scattering the enemy team with his charge, or the bow wielding Hanzo, who makes up for his low stamina by being a very agile and skilled climber. Every hero has his own set of abilities and requires a unique playstyle, which prevents repetitiveness and allows for a different tactical approach.

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