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Star Wars: Battlefront Xbox One / Series X [Lietotas]

Release date: 2015-11-19

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10,00 €
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The third installment in the Star Wars-themed first person shooter series, which comes back after 10-year hiatus and with audiovisuals befitting the eight generation of consoles. After Lucas Arts Studio, who developed the first two parts, was closed, the works on the sequel were handed over to EA DICE. The game once more takes you into the age-old war for the galaxy and lets you choose one of two sides of the conflict. In the course of the game you get to visit dozens of famous locations known from George Lucas’ film saga and use all kinds of iconic weapons and vehicles. Apart from the expansive story mode the game offers a variety of multiplayer modes, in which you can cooperate and compete with players from all around the world. The visuals are powered by the advanced version of the Frostbite Engine, known from games like Need for Speed: Rivals and the Battlefield franchise.

Star Wars: Battlefront is another work by famous DICE (Digital Illusions CE) Studio, a developer who strongly marked their presence among fans of electronic entertainment with the Battlefield franchise - a series of online FPP shooters. Obviously, the team’s portfolio includes several other projects, including action game Mirror’s EdgePinball Fantasies, or the RalliSport Challenge racing game. Battlefront is the next installment in a series of multiplayer online shooters set in the Star Wars universe, whose latest part, Star Wars: Battlefront II, appeared in 2005. The title debuted on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on 17th November 2015.

PC version is a little different that the console editions. Some obvious disparities can be spotted in the visuals, which look better on a powerful computer than on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. On the other hand, split-screen mode, offered in console versions, is unavailable to the PC user. Other elements of the game are identical on all platforms. Regardless of the game version, players have access to the same modes, weapons, vehicles, and so on.


Star Wars: Battlefront for Xbox One is a game designed with multiplayer battles in mind, so it features no narrative structure. The underlaying story is based on the conflict between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactc Empire, who fight for supremacy in various locations well-known to fans of George Lucas's creation. The game makes it possible to play as one of the iconic Star Wars characters, including Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Emperor Palpatine, Princess Leia, and Boba Fett. Fans will also recognize the R2-D2 and C-3PO droids featured in the game, albeit non-playable.


Gameplay mechanics in Star Wars: Battlefront resembles other online shooters. Players can choose between first-person and third-person perspective – you can switch between the two at any time. Depending on the gameplay mode, up to 40 players can be present simultaneously in one game. The key to success is not only individual skill, but also teamwork. In combat you make use of various weapons and vehicles, and visit such worlds as Hoth, Tatooine, Endor, or Sullust.

Game modes

Star Wars: Battlefront features both online and offline game modes. As for the former, we get local multiplayer modes. They are the so-called Missions and come in several variations. E.g. they may feature fighting off waves of AI-controlled enemies, Battles, Hero Battles, and Training. However, the main course of the game is obviously the online experience, which puts you up against people from all over the world in the following game modes:

  1. Fighter Squadron – fight as a pilot of a space fighter, such as X-wings, TIE Fighters, Millennium Falcon, and more;
  2. Blast – standard Team Deathmatch;
  3. Supremacy – struggle for control over five strategic locations with vehicles, space fighters, and heroes involved;
  4. Walker Assault – team battle for up to 40 players, in which they have to fight back or protect AT-AT Walkers, depending on the faction;
  5. Drop Zone – dynamic battle for drop pods falling down from the sky;
  6. Droid Run – struggle for three droids moving around the battlefield;
  7. Cargo – a variation of capture the flag mode with cargo boxes instead of flags;
  8. Hero Hunt – one player becomes the enemy faction's hero, and the rest is trying to eliminate him. The one who manages to do that becomes the next hero and the pattern repeats;
  9. Heroes vs. Villains – battle of heroes. The faction whose heroes are eliminated loses.


Star Wars: Battlefront for Xbox One was created using the DICE’s in-house game engine – Frostbite 3, known from such titles as: Battlefield 4,Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, and Need for Speed. The game offers high-quality textures, impressive special effects, and most importantly, overflows with the characteristic Star Wars atmosphere.

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