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Madden 22 NFL Xbox Series X

10,00 €
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  • 1 Kas ir sīkfaili?

    Sīkdatnes ir nelieli teksta failos saglabāti dati, kas tiek saglabāti jūsu datorā vai citā ierīcē, kad tīmekļa vietnes tiek ielādētas pārlūkprogrammā. Tās tiek plaši izmantotas, lai “atcerētos” jūs un jūsu preferences vai nu viena apmeklējuma laikā, vai vairākkārtēju atkārtotu apmeklējumu laikā.

  • 2 Kā mēs izmantojam sīkfailus

    Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus dažādiem mērķiem. Dažas sīkdatnes ir nepieciešamas tehnisku iemeslu dēļ; dažas ļauj apmeklētājiem un reģistrētiem lietotājiem nodrošināt personalizētu pieredzi; dažas ļauj rādīt reklāmas no izvēlētiem trešo pušu tīkliem.

  • 3 Sīkfailu pārvaldība

    Apmeklētāji var vēlēties ierobežot sīkfailu izmantošanu vai pilnībā novērst to iestatīšanu. Ja atspējojat sīkfailus, lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka dažas mūsu pakalpojuma funkcijas var nedarboties pareizi.

  • 4 Mūsu apkopotā informācija

    Mēs vācam informāciju par jums tikai tad, ja mums ir iemesls to darīt, piemēram, lai sniegtu savus pakalpojumus, sazinātos ar jums vai uzlabotu mūsu pakalpojumus.

Mēs esam apņēmušies saglabāt mūsu vietnes apmeklētāju uzticību un paļāvību. Mēs nevācam, nepārdodam, neiznomājam un netirgojam e-pasta sarakstus vai jebkādus datus ar citiem uzņēmumiem un uzņēmējiem. Iepazīstieties ar mūsu Privātuma politikas lapu, lai izlasītu detalizētu informāciju par to, kad un kāpēc mēs vācam jūsu personisko informāciju, kā to izmantojam, ar kādiem ierobežotiem nosacījumiem mēs varam to izpaust citiem un kā mēs to aizsargājam.

Mēs laiku pa laikam varam mainīt Sīkfailu un konfidencialitātes politiku. Šī politika ir spēkā no 2018. gada 24. maija.

Like other sports games created by EA Sports, Madden NFL 22 is a simulator of a specific discipline, in this case American football. The game offers faithfully reproduced players and numerous licensed teams, which we can lead to successive victories at will. The game contains many game modes, designed both for one player and for several.

The gameplay in Madden NFL 22 has not undergone major changes in relation to its predecessors. Its goal is still to imitate sports competitions in a credible way, while providing fun at the same time. As a player we have a lot of control over the players and we can easily perform complex actions with them such as passes, charges, rushing, etc. At the same time, we have to control their stamina, which decreases as the game goes on. Each of the athletes has different statistics divided into several categories, determining how effective he is in different types of actions.

A new system, called Dynamic Gameday, has debuted in the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S versions. It introduces changes to three elements: Gameday Atmosphere, Gameday Momentum and Star-Driven AI. The Atmosphere contributes to the development of player and fan behaviour in order to recreate the atmosphere of the matches as closely as possible, for example by increasing the variety of celebrations and the cheering of the fans. Momentum is a mechanic that allows you to view parameters that affect gameplay, such as the type of ground or the dominance of one team in a match. Star-Driven AI, on the other hand, is a system that collects information about how players drive specific teams, which the game then uses to improve the artificial intelligence of the players.

Game modes
The game allows you to play in several different game modes: Franchise, Face of the Franchise, Madden Ultimate Team and play single matches. In Franchise we lead our team through the whole season, playing not only matches, but also taking care of trainings and fulfilling imposed scenarios. In the role-playing Face of the Franchise mode, we control the fate of the player we created, deciding on the team he plays for, impersonating him during games, participating in press conferences, etc. Ultimate Team consists of building your own team using players you draw by opening packs of cards, and playing matches with other players over the network.
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