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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 Xbox 360 [Pre-owned]

Release date: 2011-04-01

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5,00 €
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  • 1 Kas ir sīkfaili?

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  • 3 Sīkfailu pārvaldība

    Apmeklētāji var vēlēties ierobežot sīkfailu izmantošanu vai pilnībā novērst to iestatīšanu. Ja atspējojat sīkfailus, lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka dažas mūsu pakalpojuma funkcijas var nedarboties pareizi.

  • 4 Mūsu apkopotā informācija

    Mēs vācam informāciju par jums tikai tad, ja mums ir iemesls to darīt, piemēram, lai sniegtu savus pakalpojumus, sazinātos ar jums vai uzlabotu mūsu pakalpojumus.

Mēs esam apņēmušies saglabāt mūsu vietnes apmeklētāju uzticību un paļāvību. Mēs nevācam, nepārdodam, neiznomājam un netirgojam e-pasta sarakstus vai jebkādus datus ar citiem uzņēmumiem un uzņēmējiem. Iepazīstieties ar mūsu Privātuma politikas lapu, lai izlasītu detalizētu informāciju par to, kad un kāpēc mēs vācam jūsu personisko informāciju, kā to izmantojam, ar kādiem ierobežotiem nosacījumiem mēs varam to izpaust citiem un kā mēs to aizsargājam.

Mēs laiku pa laikam varam mainīt Sīkfailu un konfidencialitātes politiku. Šī politika ir spēkā no 2018. gada 24. maija.


Start your journey down the Road to the Masters with Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters. For the first time in franchise history, players will be able to experience the rich history and tradition of the Masters Tournament. Rely on the advice of your caddie to strategize and focus your game while feeling the intensity of the PGA TOUR season. Embark on the Road to the Masters as your career begins on the amateur tour and work your way through the Nationwide Tour, Q-School, and finally, the PGA TOUR. Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters has something for every golf fan and is the must-have title this year!

Play the Hallowed Grounds of Augusta National Golf Club: For the first time ever in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR franchise history, players will now be able to compete at Augusta National Golf Club. Experience the historic holes that comprise Amen Corner and make a run at capturing the distinctive Green Jacket.

Masters Moments: Relive and play through memorable, historic moments of the Masters. Take the challenge and see where you measure up against the greats who have played in this legendary tournament.

Broadcast Presentation: Jim Nantz teams up with David Feherty to lead the all-new broadcast presentation package. Enhanced visuals showcase high fidelity character models and course details that bring to life all the sights and sounds of a round of golf at Augusta National. For the first time in franchise history, the game will feature 3D grass, which will appear and respond more like actual grass.

Climb the World Ranking: Feel the pressure of an all-important putt while working your way through the amateur tour, the Nationwide TOUR, and Q-School. Perform well enough to earn a spot on the PGA TOUR! In Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters, the all-new career mode closely mirrors the real-life journey of an amateur golfer as they strive to make it onto the PGA TOUR.

The Caddie Experience: Play like a true pro with a caddie alongside, assisting and supporting your every swing. The caddie will evaluate all pre-shot factors, such as wind, lie, and yardage, to provide a recommended shot. As your caddie’s knowledge of each course increases, he will level up through Course Mastery, making him even more valuable to your success.

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Produkta detaļas

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PEGI reting
Spēles žanrs
Vairāku spēlētāju spēle tiešsaistē
Xbox 360
Izdošanas datums
Valoda spēlē
angļu valodā (spēles vāks var būt citā valodā, ja produkta nosaukumā nav norādīts citādi un spēle ir angļu valodā).
Jums var arī patikt
149,00 €

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