
Just Cause 3 PS4/PS5 [Pre-owned]

8,00 €
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  • 1 Что такое файлы cookie?

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  • 2 Как мы используем файлы cookie

    Мы используем файлы cookie для различных целей. Некоторые файлы cookie необходимы по техническим причинам; некоторые позволяют персонализировать работу посетителей и зарегистрированных пользователей; а некоторые позволяют показывать рекламу из выбранных сторонних сетей.

  • 3 Управление файлами cookie

    Посетители могут пожелать ограничить использование файлов cookie или полностью запретить их установку. Если вы отключите cookies, имейте в виду, что некоторые функции нашего сервиса могут работать некорректно.

  • 4 Информация, которую мы собираем

    Мы собираем информацию о вас только в том случае, если у нас есть на то основания - например, для предоставления наших услуг, для общения с вами или для улучшения качества наших услуг.

Мы стремимся сохранить доверие посетителей нашего сайта. Мы не собираем, не продаем, не сдаем в аренду и не обмениваемся списками адресов электронной почты или любыми данными с другими компаниями и предприятиями. Ознакомьтесь с нашей Политикой конфиденциальности, чтобы прочитать подробную информацию о том, когда и почему мы собираем вашу личную информацию, как мы ее используем, при каких ограниченных условиях мы можем раскрывать ее другим лицам и как мы обеспечиваем ее безопасность.

Мы можем время от времени вносить изменения в политику в отношении файлов cookie и конфиденциальности. Данная политика вступает в силу с 24 мая 2018 года.


The third installment in a popular series of sandbox action games that came out after a five year hiatus thanks to the original creators, Avalanche Studios. The game features new adventures of special agent Rico Rodriguez, who works for a secret branch of CIA, known as The Agency. You travel to the Mediterranean region, specifically a small republic of Medici, which suffers under the iron fist of merciless general Di Ravello. Just as in the previous installments, your task is to overthrow the dictator. The game lets you explore an area covering over 400 square miles, which you can traverse any way you like. There, you find series of story-related objectives and side missions. You travel across the island using a large spectrum of available vehicles and gadgets, including the fan favorite - grappling hook. The hero can make use of classic small caliber firearms, as well as some bigger, heavy duty weapons. When it comes to audiovisuals, the game was designed with eight generation consoles in mind, displaying a big quality leap when compared with previous installments in the series.

Just Cause 3 for PlayStation 4 is the third installment of the series of sandbox, TPP, open world action games, created by the Swedish developer – Avalanche Studios. It is the first production of the cycle to be developed for the 8th generation consoles, making the graphics much more advanced than in the previous Just Cause games.


Once again, the player will take part in the adventures of Rico Rodriguez, a former CIA operative, who was a part of the bureau’s special outfit known as the Agency. This time our hero will end up in the Mediterranean region, where the Medici republic is suffering under the brutal regime of general Di Ravello. It is our task to put an end to Di Ravello ‘s oppression and tyranny.


The game takes place on an island which offers over four hundred square miles of terrain to explore. Just Cause 3 has a variety of different landscapes and locations, it is possible to uncover the depths of the sea, as well as the highest mountain peaks. The player also has numerous vehicles at his disposal, e.g. cars, motorcycles, helicopters, boats and airplanes; our character is equipped with a couple of handy gadgets, such as the Wingsuit or the grappling hook. The world of Just Cause 3 is full of secondary quest lines and activities; however, they do not need to be completed in order to finish the game.

The gameplay is focused around extremely dynamic and effective action. Rico does not value stealth as an asset in his missions; explosions, piles of bodies and general destruction is how our hero gets the job done, no matter how outnumbered he is. The protagonist will crush the tyrant’s wealth and legacy, and wreak havoc by conquering army bases, shipyards, prisons and police stations, taking each of them head-on. Rodriguez has an arsenal of weapons to choose from - handguns, AT guns and airstrikes are just some of the tools the player can use to free the republic of Medici.

Game modes

Sadly, Just Cause 3 for PlayStation 4 does not offer a multiplayer mode; however there are various social aspects within the game, which allow the players to compare the results of missions and compete in challenges.

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Playstation 4
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Английский язык (обложка игры может быть на другом языке, если в названии продукта не указано иное и игра на английском языке)
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