
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Xbox One / Series X [Pre-owned]

Release date: 2016-08-23

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10,00 €
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  • 1 Что такое файлы cookie?

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  • 4 Информация, которую мы собираем

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Мы можем время от времени вносить изменения в политику в отношении файлов cookie и конфиденциальности. Данная политика вступает в силу с 24 мая 2018 года.


The fourth major installment in a popular cyberpunk action-RPG series. The game was developed by Eidos Montreal, who previously developed two other parts of the cycle, as well as the 2014 reboot of the cult Thief franchise. The game is set 2 years after the events of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The player again assumes the role of an Interpol agent, Adam Jensen, who fights criminal organizations in different parts of the world. In accordance with the tradition of the series, gameplay is non-linear, allowing the player to choose the ways of dealing with in-game problems: from open confrontation to stealth approach. As compared with the previous game, this time you have access to twice as many biochips and special abilities that are gradually unlocked throughout the gameplay. Another vital element are the consequences of your choices – all your actions and conversations can bear consequences later in the game.

The Deus Ex series, launched back in 2000, made history by offering a revolutionary (in its day) combination of action RPG and first-person shooter set in a cyberpunk reality. After the closure of Ion Storm, the franchise disappeared for a few years to come back in 2011 with the release of Deus Ex: Human Revolution for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Deus Ex: Mankind Dividedfor Xbox One is the fourth major entry in the series, developed by Eidos Montreal, the creators of the aforementioned Human Revolution as well as Deus Ex: The Fall, a spin-off initially released for mobile devices, and the 2014’s Thief.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is the first game in the series to be released on the 8th-generation platforms: Xbox One and PlayStation 4, which translates into significantly improved visuals, when compared to its predecessor. As far as content is concerned, the console versions do not differ from the PC edition, although the latter offers somewhat better graphics.


The action of Mankind Divided starts in 2029, two years after the events presented in Human Revolution. After the infamous incident with biochips that made augmented people attack everyone on sight, societies divided into supporters and adversaries of augmentations. The former group started to be rounded up in ghettos, where crime flourishes and the police are used to abusing their authority. In the wide-spread atmosphere of social unrest, terrorist organizations, claiming to fight for the equal rights for augmented people, begin to emerge, as well.

In the game, we once again assume the role of Adam Jensen. The heavily-augmented protagonist works for the Interpol as a part of group called Task Force 29, which was established to combat terrorism, and — at the same time — collaborates with a group of hackers by the name of Juggernaut Collective. Jensen's ultimate goal is to work out the sinister Illuminati. In subsequent missions, the two allies often have conflicting objectives, which forces the player to play a dangerous game where the fate of the entire mankind is at stake.


Similarly to the previous installments in the series, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for Xbox One offers non-linear and varied approach to the gameplay. The developers let the players play in two basic ways: one is focused on action and open combat, while the other rewards sneaking, infiltration and silent elimination of our enemies. Foes are now much more dangerous thanks to the enhanced artificial intelligence and the ability to work in groups. Seldom do we encounter a situation when guards are on their own – this time around, they move at least in pairs, even when patrolling nooks and crannies. Moreover, the developers made sure our opponents are significantly more diverse, and thus we will face adversaries that use augmentations and exoskeletons as well as mechs. Much attention was given to improving the boss fights. These can now be played in various ways, including stealthy surprise attacks, full frontal assaults or a combination of both.

Adam Jensen gained a number of completely new skills. Augmentations in Mankind Divided are about twice as numerous as in Human Revolution. The protagonist can now hack turrets, robots and cameras remotely; he may also execute nearly instant jumps on short distances. The blade on his forearm might be used for direct melee attacks or to shot lesser projectiles. There is also an augmentation that incapacitates our enemies with electricity. As we progress, we unlock access to new skills that will be of use during combat, sneaking or both. However, using them uses up our energy reserves. Although they partially replenish themselves when Jensen is not using his enhancements, their complete regeneration requires special biocells.

Depending on our choices, the game can take unexpected turns in the long run. For instance: at the beginning, we bump into some criminals, and if we choose to cross them, we can later fall victim to their revenge. It is not everything, though – the events of Mankind Divided are also influenced by conversations we have with other characters, which allows us to resolve some conflicts with diplomacy alone (this is where C.A.S.I.E, the implant that analyzes the psychological state of our interlocutor, comes in handy).


As the first installment of the series created solely for the 8th-generation platforms, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for Xbox One is powered by an entirely new graphic engine called Dawn Engine. It was developed by Eidos Montreal in collaboration with AMD in order to fully utilize the potential of high-end PCs as well as PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game also uses the TressFX 3.0 technology, which is responsible for realistic recreation of hair behavior and looks, among other things.

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