
Qauntum Break Xbox One / Series X [Pre-Owned]

Release date: 2016-04-05

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9,00 €
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A dynamic, third-person action game, featuring a science-fiction setting inspired by modern theories about time travel. This title is the first next-gen production from Finnish studio Remedy Entertainment, best known for the Max Payne series and Alan Wake. Set in the near future, the story is split into TV-like episodes. The player's point of view alternates between three characters who, as a result of a failed time-travel experiment, gain different time-based abilities. Now, two of them have to fight against the third one to prevent the world, now plagued by strange anomalies resulting from the failed experiment, from ending. The game's impressive visuals are powered by the proprietary Northlight Engine, tailored for the eight generation consoles.

Quantum Break is a spectacular third-person action game rooted in science-fiction realities, inspired by modern scientific theories concerning the ability to time-travel. A Finish studio is responsible for the creation of the game, namely Remedy Entertainment, known for such popular titles as Alan Wake and Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, but most notably for first two installments of cult-classic shooter –Max Payne.

The described game is an exclusive title, released only on Microsoft hardware, which means Xbox One consoles and personal computers using Windows operating system. Notably, the PC version was made available exclusively through the Windows Store, and requires Windows 10 operating system to run.


The fictional Riverpoint University in United States conducts research on the possibility of time travel. During one of the experiments, an accident happens, resulting in a whole bunch of inexplicable anomalies, while the world around us slowly and gradually begins to disintegrate. In addition, a trio of scientists: Jack Joyce, Beth Wilder, and Paul Serene are endowed with supernatural abilities, which allow control of the space-time. While two of them strongly believe in the possibility of fixing the world, Serene, convinced of the inevitability of upcoming catastrophe, tries to use damaged space-time and Jack’s abilities to fulfill his own ends.

The story of Quantum Break was created in a way similar to the contemporary television series, and the depicted events are joined by movie scenes, filmed with live actors. While in the game, we follow the actions of positive heroes – Jack and Beth, the movie scenes are focused solely on Paul Serene, the main antagonist of the game, and his corporation Monarch. Thanks to this way of conducting narration, we get to know many aspects of the same story, shown from two different points of view during the game. Additionally both in the game, and in movie scenes, the players have to make a series of important decisions, that will be reflected in the subsequent course of history.


Despite the very extensive plot layer, Quantum Break on Xbox One is, above all, a dynamic, third-person action game, in which, aside from shooting, the important aspect is to traverse the succeeding levels, and using your abilities not only to fight, but also to “repair the world”. This aspect of the gameplay is significantly diversified thanks to the fact, that following the damage of the space-time, our surroundings constantly changes, with a huge amount of anomalies, through which objects, structures or buildings disappear or disintegrate before our eyes. This in turn means that during the gameplay we don’t follow only the predetermined path, and are sometimes forced to seek alternative solutions and paths leading to the goal.

Travelling and fighting in a dynamically changing environment is expedited thanks to supernatural abilities, resulting from the failed scientific experiment. During the gameplay, we can, for instance, speed up, or slow down the passage of time, or create a special protective shield around Jack. Although each of the said abilities is almost integral during battling various enemies and obstacles, the key to success is sensible use of them, as they need a certain amount of time for regeneration. The whole process requires not only great skill, but also the ability to tactically plan each of the moves, which is a certain development of solutions, originating from Max Payne series.

Technical Aspects

The audio-visual layer of Quantum Break for Xbox One is generated using the original Northlight engine, which aside from the ability to create spectacular and dynamically changing locations, allows for realistic mapping of facial expressions. Additionally, the authors took care that during the game, we wouldn’t be distracted by an overly complex interface, which in this example is acutely minimalistic in nature, restricted to few icons responsible for possessed powers. On account of cinematic momentum, in which spirit the Quantum Break was executed, in game there is also a number of more or less known actors. The game’s cast includes, among others, Shawn Ashmore (The FollowingX-Menseries), Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones) and Dominic Monaghan (Lost, The Lord of The Rings trilogy)

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