
Tom Clancys The Division Xbox One / Series X [Pre-Owned]

Release date: 2016-03-08

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8,00 €
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Мы стремимся сохранить доверие посетителей нашего сайта. Мы не собираем, не продаем, не сдаем в аренду и не обмениваемся списками адресов электронной почты или любыми данными с другими компаниями и предприятиями. Ознакомьтесь с нашей Политикой конфиденциальности, чтобы прочитать подробную информацию о том, когда и почему мы собираем вашу личную информацию, как мы ее используем, при каких ограниченных условиях мы можем раскрывать ее другим лицам и как мы обеспечиваем ее безопасность.

Мы можем время от времени вносить изменения в политику в отношении файлов cookie и конфиденциальности. Данная политика вступает в силу с 24 мая 2018 года.


An online action game that combines tactical shooter with elements of cRPG. Tom Clancy's The Division is a game made by Ubisoft Massive Studios in cooperation with Ubisoft Reflections. The game is set in a near future, when the United States is struck by a pandemic. Players become members of a secret governmental organization called The Division, which tries to contain the chaos spreading across New York City. The gameplay focuses on rivalry between small groups of players. The world’s open structure presents the players with an impressive freedom to explore the setting and complete various missions. When it comes to the technical aspects, Tom Clancy's The Division employs the full potential of the advanced Snowdrop Engine.

For many years now, the issue of international terrorism is one of the most dire problems that contemporary governments and their security services have to cope with. It is no wonder that it was recognized in the works of one of the most famous authors of political fiction novels, Tom Clancy. Ubisoft, in cooperation with the team at Massive Entertainment (known mostly for World in Conflict, a strategy game for PC), decided to use the themes from the Tom Clancy’s books to create an online action game with RPG elements. This is how Tom Clancy’s The Division came to be.

It is worthy of mention that The Division for Xbox One is the first completely new Tom Clancy’s franchise in years. The title joins the rich portfolio of Ubisoft, a French publisher which has been simultaneously developing several bestselling series labeled with the famous American writer’s name for over a decade, namely: Rainbow SixGhost Recon and Splinter Cell.


The game’s story references the famous Directive 51, signed by George W. Bush, which ensures the continuity of the federal government in the event of an extraordinary threat to the country’s security. The developers from Massive Entertainment created an alternative vision of history, in which the fictional operation Dark Winter, so far only a simulated bioterrorist attack scenario, actually happened.

The action of The Division starts on Black Friday, the special offers and sales day that begins the pre-Christmas shopping period in the United States. This was the date that the terrorists from an unknown organization chose to paralyze the world with a deadly virus, transmitted by American banknotes that are passed from hand to hand. When, as a result of their operation, New York is struck with a pandemic and the panicked citizens are ready to do anything to survive, the Division, the eponymous secret agency, goes into action. Its agents, controlled by the players, not only have to face the deadly virus and its effects, but also deal with the terrorists responsible for the attack.


Tom Clancy’s The Division for Xbox One focuses primarily on cooperative multiplayer, combining elements of typical third-person shooters with open world and some RPG accents. The players, who assume the role of the Division operators, try to contain the situation in a city overrun by panic, which in practice boils down to free exploration of the game world and undertaking lots of primary and secondary quests. Their most important element is dynamic combat. Its mechanics heavily resemble the solutions known from such games as Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon, offering opportunities for tactical maneuvers and hiding behind covers.

For completing quests, our character is awarded with experience points that can be spent on developing dozens of skills. They allow us to, for example, heal our teammates, scan our surroundings to detect nearby enemies, set up machine gun nests, or use remote-controlled mines that seek out hostiles and explode near them. The game world constantly changes as a result of the decisions made by the players. The retaking of New York is particularly interesting. For instance: after we secure one of the local police stations, the policemen stationed therein will attempt take control of its surrounding area and the restore order within it.

Game modes

Tom Clancy’s The Division focuses on multiplayer, therefore, similarly to most classical online games, the key to success is the skillful cooperation between team members. Should we not have enough friends to play with, we may use the matchmaking feature. One of the important aspects of cooperation is not only fighting together against the terrorists, but also trading the equipment gathered during the game. Furthermore, the developers from Massive Entertainment did not forget about the fans of competitive gameplay – The Division offers some PvP elements that allow for rivalry between player characters.


Tom Clancy’s The Division for Xbox One is powered by the proprietary Snowdrop engine that delivers impressive graphics on all platforms. According to the developers’ announcements, virtually all visible objects are rendered separately, which translates into incredibly detailed game world, as well as a number of additional visual effects, such as air escaping from punctured tires, car bodies penetration, or completely different trajectory of bullet cases ejected from weapons.

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