
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Siege Xbox One / Series X [Pre-owned]

Release date: 2015-12-01

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10,00 €
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Мы можем время от времени вносить изменения в политику в отношении файлов cookie и конфиденциальности. Данная политика вступает в силу с 24 мая 2018 года.


The next installment in the tactical shooter series Rainbow Six endorsed by the author Tom Clancy. The game was developed by Ubisoft Montreal Studio, known for bestsellers such as Watch_Dogs and the Assassin’s Creed franchise. The title is a spiritual successor to the previously announced Rainbow Six: Patriots, which was eventually canceled. The gameplay focuses on police special forces fighting terrorists, with emphasis on tactics and tactical position defense. Most missions take place in confined spaces, which – thanks to an advanced physics engine – can be completely destroyed. During combat, the two teams can shoot through or blow up walls, floors, and ceilings, as well as barricaded doors. Because of this, the situation on the battlefield changes dynamically, forcing the players to adjust their tactics and cooperate with teammates.

In 2011 Ubisoft announced Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Patriots. It was supposed to be another installment in the famous series of tactical shooters, this time focusing on combat with a terrorist organization called True Patriots. Since then, years had passed, and the project slowly faded away. Finally, the publisher decided to unveil Rainbow Six: Siege, tailor-made for multiplayer gameplay. This title replaced Patriots, which failed to meet the expectations of the French company. This Xbox One game features skirmishes of antiterrorist special forces with criminals. The game was built on AnvilNext technology, the engine used in several other Ubisoft titles, including the Assassin's Creed series, For Honor, and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands.

Before you start playing Rainbow Six: Siege you choose your soldier’s specialization. Each time you play you can decide whether you want to raise barricades as Castle, remove obstacles as Thermite, cripple enemy communication as Mute, break open doors as Ash, wield a huge sledgehammer as Sledge, or poison enemies as Smoke. Of course, these are not all character classes available, and it is important to compose a team whose members complement each other in combat.

Combat takes place in small, relatively narrow locations, where you have to quickly clear one room after another until you get rid of terrorists and free any hostages. In order to do this, you often have to blow up a wall, plant explosives on the floor to attack enemies from above, and so on. On the other hand, when playing as terrorists you must barricade doors and fortify your positions, so as not to get caught off guard by the law enforcement units. Either way, in order to defeat a smart team of players you need constant communication, teamwork, and proper tactics.

Gameplay is fast-paced and exciting, yet tactical, mostly thanks to destructible environment. The game engine lets you destroy not only doors, but also barricades and walls. As a result, battlefields are dynamically changing in the course of a skirmish, which often requires adjusting your well-planned tactics on the spot.

In terms of graphics quality Rainbow Six: Siege for Xbox One doesn't set new standards in video gaming, but it is surely satisfying. The aforementioned damage system not only enriches the gameplay, but also spices up the visuals, giving them a specific character.

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