
Doom Xbox One / Series X [Пользованный]

Release date: 2016-05-13

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12,00 €
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The fourth part in one of the most famous FPS franchises in history, originated by id Software Studio in 1993. Since then, the overall story premise remained basically unchanged, having the player take on the role of a sole commando who has to fight hordes of demons from Hell spawned in a military research base as a result of a failed experiment. In contrast to the third game, which featured numerous horror elements, Doom focuses on fast-paced action, thus going back to the roots of the series. The hero learned some brand new skills, including spectacular finishers, making the gameplay even more brutal. One of the landmarks of the franchise is the considerable multiplayer mode, this time enriched with a useful tool called SnapMap. It lets players create not only maps and locations, but also their own play modes – from cooperative battles against enemy hordes to classic Deathmatches.

Doom for Xbox One is the fourth major installment in the cult first-person shooter series, launched back in 1993 on PCs. The franchise that changed its genre forever was developed by the Texas-based id Software, previously known for the Wolfenstein and Commander Keen series.

As far as content is concerned, Doom for Xbox One does not deviate from the versions for other platforms at all. On the technical side, the game offers somewhat more modest graphics than the base PC edition due to the limitations of the 8th-generation consoles. It also does not provide the users with the extensive visual preferences of its PC counterpart.


The key story premise, which binds subsequent installments of the Doom series together, did not change significantly. In the game, we yet again assume the role of a lone commando and are sent to a military research facility of the UAC corporation on Mars. Upon our arrival, it turns out that in the course of some experiments, the scientists accidentally opened a wormhole, letting hordes of terrifying monsters into the base. Following his enemies, the protagonist will explore the vast area of the UAC facility to end his journey right at the heart of hell itself, facing the most powerful of demons.


When compared to the previous installment of the series that was traditionally full of horror elements, the new Doom for Xbox One puts an emphasis on fast-paced, dynamic action which brings it closer to original Doom and its sequel, Doom II: Hell on Earth. We therefore focus, first and foremost, on spectacular elimination subsequent enemies with a large variety of weapons. Our arsenal consists primarily of new versions of the already known guns and gadgets, such as the chainsaw, Plasma Rifle, Chaingun and Railgun.

At the same time, the protagonist gained completely new skills, such as enhanced jump, the ability to pull up on edges, as well as finishing off stunned enemies with spectacular moves, such as ripping off body parts or guts. The developers from id Software implemented a classical system of health regeneration in the form of first aid kits and brought back the armor points from the original Doom. Combining these characteristic elements with a number of new solutions made the gameplay faster and more brutal – in the new Doom blood is flowing like a river.

Game modes

Similarly to the previous installments in the Doom series, one of the game’s key elements is its extensive multiplayer. It offers a number of competitive options in several variants. Thanks to a multitude of power-ups, gameplay is even faster than in the single player mode. Id Software decided to take online play one step further, by offering the players the SnapMap feature. With this tool, everyone can create not only their very own maps, but also scripts and game modes: from repelling subsequent hordes of enemies in cooperation with others, to classical deathmatch, either free-for-all or in teams. Furthermore, each multiplayer map contains a lot of various bonuses that allow us to, for example, temporarily become a flying demon, deal quad damage or see through walls.


Since from the very beginning the game was developed with state-of-the-art PCs and the 8th-generation consoles in mind, it should not be a surprise that the new Doom for Xbox One looks spectacular. It is powered by the so-called id Tech 666 engine. The game is characterized by intense violence, although it does not diminish the feel of the characteristic gameplay elements as well as the unique atmosphere of the series.

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