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Middle-earth: SHADOW OF MORDOR PS4/PS5 [Used]

Release date: 2014-10-03

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8,00 €
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Me võime aeg-ajalt muuta küpsiseid ja privaatsuspoliitikat. Käesolev poliitika kehtib alates 24. maist 2018.


A TPP action game set in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor was developed by Monolith Productions, the creators of Aliens vs Predator 2 and F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon. The plot takes place before the events depicted in "The Lord of the Rings". In the main campaign, players assume the role of Talion, a ranger who is raised from the dead by an ancient spirit of vengeance in order to take bloody revenge on the servants of Sauron for the death of his loved ones. The core of the game consists of spectacular battles with large groups of enemies, during which you can use a rich variety of ranged and melee attacks, as well as dodges. The audiovisual aspects of the game were modeled after the cinematic saga by Peter Jackson.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor for PlayStation 4 is an action game set in the world of the Lord of the Rings. The game was developed by an experienced Monolith Productions studio which team has created No One Lives Forever series and the first two versions of F.E.A.R.


The player portrays Talion - an experienced scout, whose family is murdered by Sauron’s unquestioning supporter. A moment later, he also says goodbye to life but it is not the end of the story. Instead, the ancient Spirit of Vengeance resurrects him and gives him Wraith’s powers. Talion decides to go to Mordor and eliminates all who contributed to the tragedy. During the campaign, the player is able to discover the truth about the creature which helped him back to the world of the living and learn the history of the creation of the Lord of the Rings. The game puts a lot of emphasis on the story and the decisions made by the players led to serious consequences in the latter parts of the story.


Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor for PlayStation 4 is an action game where the players can observe action from the camera placed behind the character. The game is concentrate mainly on battles with numerous enemies using extensive fighting mechanics based on a system taken from Arkham series. The strong point of the project is an artificial intelligence. Every opponent is a separate character, who has its own personality, rank, strong and weak points. A special system tracks all decisions and fights and then based on it, shapes the attitude of the enemies towards the player. During the development of the campaign, the enemies learn the player’s tactics and some of them can even develop a desire for revenge to the hero and try to take revenge on him.


For fans of the game, an additional advantage is the fact that during the production of the game, the authors have cooperated with the people from Middle-earth Enterprises and Weta Workshop - special effects studio. It helps to fits the game into the world created by J.R.R. Tolkien while staying true to the style of the cinema saga.

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Playstation 4
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