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The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf - Smurftastic Edition PS4

25,00 €
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Oleme pühendunud oma veebisaidi külastajate usalduse säilitamisele. Me ei kogu, müü, rendi ega vaheta e-posti nimekirju ega mingeid andmeid teiste ettevõtete ja ettevõtetega. Vaadake meie privaatsuspoliitika lehekülge, et lugeda üksikasjalikku teavet selle kohta, millal ja miks me teie isikuandmeid kogume, kuidas me neid kasutame, millistel piiratud tingimustel võime neid teistele avaldada ja kuidas me neid turvaliselt hoiame.

Me võime aeg-ajalt muuta küpsiseid ja privaatsuspoliitikat. Käesolev poliitika kehtib alates 24. maist 2018.


The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf is a 3D action-adventure game in the form of a platform game.

Following the standards of the Smurfs' world, the game's story is about their next conflict with the evil Gargamel. This time, the sorcerer has developed a formula in his laboratory that allows him to breed vile plants called Vileaf. They attract the Smurfs and trap them in plant traps, and on top of that they pose a huge threat to the forest due to their toxicity. Our goal is to find all the ingredients needed to fight this toxin.

The most important characters in the game are Smurfette, Hefty Smurf, Brainy Smurf and Chef Smurf. They have to overcome all the obstacles on their way thanks to a special device called Smurfizer, developed by Handy Smurf.

Smurfs: Mission Vileaf is a platform adventure game with a world full of nooks and crannies to explore, puzzles, enemies and other obstacles. The whole action is observed from a third-person perspective, and the available areas are divided into five categories, varying in appearance and nature of the gameplay. Before starting each level we also choose Smurf, which we will control during the game.

During exploration we use the Smurfizer, a revolutionary invention of Handy Smurf. Thanks to it, the Smurfs can jump higher, glide, dive, or heal damaged plants. You can use the items you acquire to improve it, or take them back to the Smurf village to restore it to its former glory. In achieving our goals we are hindered by opponents at the service of Gargamel or taking advantage of the development of Vileaf. Combat is rather arcade-like and rewards us for taking advantage of opponents' weaknesses.

Available stages are full of different varieties that affect the dynamics of the world. These can be special mushrooms knocking us into the air, impossibly spiky plants or chasms, over which we have to measure our jumps very carefully.

Graphics is very artistic and brings to mind a cartoon transferred into the game world. The variety of colors and lighting of individual levels particularly stands out.

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