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Halo Infinite Xbox One / Series X

45,00 €
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    Me kasutame küpsiseid mitmel erineval eesmärgil. Mõned küpsised on vajalikud tehnilistel põhjustel; mõned võimaldavad külastajatele ja registreeritud kasutajatele isikupärastatud kasutuskogemust; ja mõned võimaldavad valitud kolmandate osapoolte võrgustike reklaami kuvamist.

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    We only collect information about you if we have a reason to do so-for example, to provide our services, to communicate with you, or to make our services better.

Oleme pühendunud oma veebisaidi külastajate usalduse säilitamisele. Me ei kogu, müü, rendi ega vaheta e-posti nimekirju ega mingeid andmeid teiste ettevõtete ja ettevõtetega. Vaadake meie privaatsuspoliitika lehekülge, et lugeda üksikasjalikku teavet selle kohta, millal ja miks me teie isikuandmeid kogume, kuidas me neid kasutame, millistel piiratud tingimustel võime neid teistele avaldada ja kuidas me neid turvaliselt hoiame.

Me võime aeg-ajalt muuta küpsiseid ja privaatsuspoliitikat. Käesolev poliitika kehtib alates 24. maist 2018.


The action of Halo Infinite takes place after the events presented in Halo 5: Guardians. The main character is the legendary Master Chief - a super soldier belonging to the elite Spartan unit. After the war with the Guardians led by Cortana was lost, the reign of terror began in the galaxy; the protagonist and his allies must find a way to end it.

In this installment the action is observed from a first person perspective (FPP). The player takes part in various missions in the Zeta Halo ring, during which he must fight with many enemies. The project was designed as a sandbox game, which guarantees the player full freedom in using various interactive objects, such as vehicles, equipment elements or weapons. During the shootouts the player has at his disposal a wide range of futuristic guns and gadgets (including hook line, enemy detector, and portable barrier) and with the help of all kinds of vehicles, he can move faster around the vast world of Halo Infinite. In addition to the story missions, there are also optional activities and numerous collectibles scattered around Zeta Halo waiting to be discovered. They allow you to deepen your knowledge of the game world and past events.

The developers' goal was to create a game that honors the combat style known from classic Halo titles, while offering players new to the series the support they need to fully enjoy the gameplay. This is why the Spartan Academy has been introduced to the title, as well as the Spartan Commander Laurette to help new players become familiar with the maps, weapons and equipment. There are also bot matches available in Halo Infinite to give newcomers a chance to familiarize themselves with the mechanics, and for old-timers to warm up a bit before jumping into the actual battle. Further add-ons for bots and the content of the Academy are added along with the progress of the game.

Game modes

While playing the Halo Infinite story campaign, the player can engage in battles and explore maps both solo and with others.

The game also features a competitive, free-to-play multiplayer mode. This module offers two types of gameplay. The first is Arena, where teams of 4 can face each other in balanced arena shooter-style gameplay.

The second, on the other hand, is the classic Big Team Battle, allowing for epic large-scale matches. In this upgraded version of the game, a total of 24 players can compete against each other on vehicle-friendly, open-world terrain. BTB is a game of madness and chaos, with weapons falling from the sky and Commander Laurette arriving with more tactical updates to add to the fun.

Technical aspects

Halo Infinite runs on the Slipspace graphics engine created specifically for this title. This technology allows, among other things, to generate impressive landscapes, as well as natural-looking plants and animals.

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