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Hell Let Loose Xbox Series

Requires internet & Xbox Live Gold subscription !

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28,00 €
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Meie privaatsuspoliitika

Meie privaatsuspoliitika selgitab meie põhimõtteid seoses teie andmete kogumise, töötlemise ja säilitamisega. Selles poliitikas selgitatakse konkreetselt, kuidas me kasutame küpsiseid, ning millised on teie võimalused nende kontrollimiseks.

  • 1 Mis on küpsised?

    Küpsised on väikesed tekstifailidesse salvestatud andmed, mis salvestatakse teie arvutisse või muusse seadmesse, kui veebilehed laaditakse brauserisse. Neid kasutatakse laialdaselt teie ja teie eelistuste „meelespidamiseks“ kas ühe või mitme korduva külastuse puhul.

  • 2 Kuidas me kasutame küpsiseid

    Me kasutame küpsiseid mitmel erineval eesmärgil. Mõned küpsised on vajalikud tehnilistel põhjustel; mõned võimaldavad külastajatele ja registreeritud kasutajatele isikupärastatud kasutuskogemust; ja mõned võimaldavad valitud kolmandate osapoolte võrgustike reklaami kuvamist.

  • 3 Küpsiste kontrollimine

    Külastajad võivad soovida küpsiste kasutamist piirata või nende seadistamist täielikult takistada. Kui te keelate küpsiste kasutamise, arvestage palun sellega, et mõned meie teenuse funktsioonid ei pruugi õigesti toimida.

  • 4 Information We Collect

    We only collect information about you if we have a reason to do so-for example, to provide our services, to communicate with you, or to make our services better.

Oleme pühendunud oma veebisaidi külastajate usalduse säilitamisele. Me ei kogu, müü, rendi ega vaheta e-posti nimekirju ega mingeid andmeid teiste ettevõtete ja ettevõtetega. Vaadake meie privaatsuspoliitika lehekülge, et lugeda üksikasjalikku teavet selle kohta, millal ja miks me teie isikuandmeid kogume, kuidas me neid kasutame, millistel piiratud tingimustel võime neid teistele avaldada ja kuidas me neid turvaliselt hoiame.

Me võime aeg-ajalt muuta küpsiseid ja privaatsuspoliitikat. Käesolev poliitika kehtib alates 24. maist 2018.


A multiplayer World War II first-person shooter. The game is a debut project of an Australian studio Black Matter.

Hell Let Loose takes place during the World War II - on the day of the premiere players could take part in the battle of Stalingrad, the battle of Kursk or the initial phase of Operation Overlord, representing both Allied and Axis forces. The developers planned to release more maps with other fronts over time.

In Hell Let Loose the action is presented by using a first-person perspective. The game focuses on presenting the war as realistically as possible. The battles are fought on vast maps, designed based on archives. The gameplay focuses on battles fought between two teams of fifty players, divided into smaller groups called platoons. The soldiers are tasked with taking over and holding specific sectors while also maintaining supply lines. The latter guarantees access to needed resources like ammunition and fuel.

Before the battle, player selects one of a few character classes. This determines the equipment and the role on the battlefield. The key to success lies in cooperation between players and in coordination of actions. The tactics of players should consider the topography and types of buildings encountered – battles in the narrow streets of French city Sainte-Marie-du-Mont are completely different than the battles fought in a territory filled with trees. The environment that can be destroyed is important as well – destroying a bridge can cut of enemy supply lines. The situation is controlled by Commanders who use radio to communicate with other team members. They create strategy based on information received from the Officers. The Officers can select observation points and mark targets.

Hell Let Loose for PC features more than a dozen of weapons – among them there are pistols, machine guns, shotguns, grenades, mines, mortals and flamethrowers. What’s interesting, each weapon behaves differently – because there is no crosshair, player must spend some time on learning how to use them. The battlefield isn’t used exclusively by infantry – there are various vehicles as well, including supply vehicles like Opel Blitz, transporters, scouting vehicles and tanks (Sherman Firefly, Panther). In dire situations players can call in air strikes that can change the outcome of the battle.

The previously mentioned supply lines guarantee access to resources. Engineers can use them to create fortifications, minefields and sockets for machine guns. Damage received on the battlefield is realistic as well. It is divided into three categories - being shot in less vital parts can be cured by the player, but more serious wounds must be checked by a medic. A grenade or mine explosion usually means immediate death.

Technical aspects

Hell Let Loose 3D graphics looks very good - the game is powered by Unreal Engine 4. This enabled the developers to create environment that is rich in details, detailed weapon and machine models and high-quality particle effects of the explosions.

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