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Blood bowl 2 PS4/PS5

Išleidimo data: 2015-09-22

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10,00 €
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Mūsų privatumo politika

Mūsų privatumo politikoje paaiškinami mūsų principai renkant, tvarkant ir saugant jūsų informaciją. Šioje politikoje konkrečiai paaiškinama, kaip naudojame slapukus, taip pat kokios yra jūsų galimybės juos kontroliuoti.

  • 1 Kas yra slapukai?

    Slapukai - tai maži tekstiniuose failuose saugomi duomenys, kurie įrašomi jūsų kompiuteryje ar kitame įrenginyje, kai svetainės įkeliamos į naršyklę. Jie plačiai naudojami norint "įsiminti" jus ir jūsų nuostatas vieno apsilankymo metu arba pakartotinai apsilankius kelis kartus.

  • 2 Kaip naudojame slapukus?

    Slapukus naudojame įvairiais tikslais. Kai kurie slapukai reikalingi dėl techninių priežasčių; kai kurie leidžia lankytojams ir registruotiems naudotojams pritaikyti asmeninę patirtį.

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  • 4 Mūsų renkama informacija

    Informaciją apie jus renkame tik turėdami tam priežastį, pavyzdžiui, norėdami teikti savo paslaugas, bendrauti su jumis arba tobulinti savo paslaugas.

Esame įsipareigoję išlaikyti savo svetainės lankytojų pasitikėjimą. Mes nerenkame, neparduodame, neišnuomojame ir neperduodame el. pašto sąrašų ar bet kokių duomenų kitoms bendrovėms ir įmonėms. Peržiūrėkite mūsų privatumo politikos puslapį ir perskaitykite išsamią informaciją apie tai, kada ir kodėl renkame jūsų asmeninę informaciją, kaip ją naudojame, kokiomis ribotomis sąlygomis galime ją atskleisti kitiems ir kaip ją saugome.

Periodiškai galime keisti slapukus ir privatumo politiką. Ši politika galioja nuo 2018 m. gegužės 24 d.

Prekinis ženklas:

A sequel to a fantasy sports game, in which various races from the popular Warhammer universe compete in an extremely brutal version of American football. The game was developed by the creators of the first part, Cyanide Studio. The story mode features a new, extensive campaign, in which you take the role of a manager of one of the oldest and most successful teams of the Old World – Reikland Reavers. General gameplay rules remained unchanged, however, the creators heeded to the fans’ suggestions and included lots of innovations and improvements. A brand new graphics engine was designed solely for this game, introducing enhanced visuals and animations, as well as a dynamic camera system. The game follows the distinctive convention of a show broadcasted on Cabal Vision, the official Blood Bowl television, and the matches are casted by a likable duet of a vampire and an ogre. Of course, the developers did not forget about competitive multiplayer.

Blood Bowl II is a sequel to the brutal sports game released in 2009. Once again, we are dealing with an unusual variation of American football. The characteristic feature of this production is the fact that it’s set in a fantasy world and is officially licensed by Games Workshop. This is why our teams are made up of races known to all players of the iconic Warhammer universe.

The basis of the game is a completely new, expanded campaign, full of sudden twists and risky decisions. This time, we assume the role of a coach of one of the oldest and most prominent teams of the Old World – Reikland Reavers, the pride of all humans. The general concept of the game, however, remains unchanged. As a manager, we will have to determine the composition of the team and play matches with new opponents, while bearing in mind that each race has its strengths and weaknesses. Apart from the right tactics we will be able to make use of a sizeable arsenal of weapons and other improvements, making it much easier to turn the tide of the game in our favor. In addition to the story campaign, Blood Bowl II also offers a league mode, which allows us to create our own team and stadium from scratch.

While creating the game, the authors paid attention to the fans’ suggestions. For the purpose of the sequel a completely new graphics engine was created, whose abilities significantly improved the visual quality of the game and its animations. A new dynamic camera system was also implemented. Our actions are accompanied by a live commentary from a unique yet likeable duo, consisting of vampire Jim Johnson and ogre Bob Bifford. The game’s interface, broadcasts and the action replay system were prepared in a distinctive style of CabalVision – the official Blood Bowl television.

Similarly to its predecessor, the game in not limited to single player mode. Once again, emphasis was placed on the opportunity to play with many players, as it was the element thought to have significantly contributed to the success of the series. With the changes made, the new installment of the game has become more accessible for novice and casual players, but at the same time it’s also more enjoyable and challenging for the veterans of the previous part.

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