Tiny Tina´s Wonderlands Next Level PS5
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Periodiškai galime keisti slapukus ir privatumo politiką. Ši politika galioja nuo 2018 m. gegužės 24 d.
The story in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands takes the form of an RPG session led by the titular Tiny Tina - an unbalanced teenager with an explosive personality. We get into a fantasy world in the guise of a self-created hero known as Fatemaker, who has to save the land from the wicked Dragon Lord.
Tina leads the narration in a chaotic way - intensified by comments or interruptions of Valentine and Frette, i.e. the other participants of the game who in a way accompany the protagonist (as advisors). This results in numerous comical situations and sudden changes on the screen when, for example, the game master decides to spontaneously transform the scenery or throw Fatemaker into the middle of an ambush.
The title Wonderlands, where the action takes place, has nothing to do with the Borderlands universe, but it is populated by characters that will be familiar to those who know the series.
In Tiny Tina's Wonderlands we observe the action from a first person perspective (FPP). Before starting the game we create a character, deciding on its appearance and voice. We also choose one of six character classes (later in the course of the game we'll add another one), which determines available special attacks and other abilities.
We explore various locations, complete missions (main and side) and hordes of enemies, among which we can find creatures characteristic for the fantasy world, including goblins and skeletons.
The game mechanics feature numerous RPG elements, such as gaining experience points and developing the hero's skills and attributes while advancing to subsequent levels. On top of that, there's extensive equipment management - with countless variants of randomly generated loot. Loot includes a variety of firearms (such as machine guns, shotguns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers), but also melee weapons, magic rings and spellbooks, which replace the grenades in Borderlands.
Game modes
In Tiny Tina's Wonderlands you can play solo or in cooperative mode for up to four people.